Baby Shower Gifts - the must know do's and dont's

Baby Shower Gifts - the must know do's and dont's

Funky Gifts |

No matter how mild-mannered your expectant friend may be, as her delivery approaches, she will be quite emotionally sensitive and nervous about the big-day, especially if she's going to be a first-time mumma. So, when her baby shower approaches and you brainstorm on potential baby gifts, keep your friend's sensitivities in mind.


Baby mop
Baby mops were never a product to begin with. They were first featured in a Japanese spoof advertisement that showed a mop attached to a baby outfit that would clean the floor as the tiny tot crawled all over it. After that ad, baby mops were everywhere! Who knows, maybe they were already around – but elusive until then.
A baby mop may look and sound amusing, but can you really imagine most women using their baby for cleaning tasks just because they're too lazy to do the work themselves? How would your friend feel about putting down her baby on a dirty floor? A responsible mother would actually sweep, mop and sanitize the floor before letting her baby crawl over it. So please, no baby mops – even if your friend is the most slothful person you know.
Breastfeeding cover
Are you sure your friend plans to breastfeed? If she's in two minds about it, avoid the gift. If the baby shower is for someone you don't know very well, a breastfeeding cover is a downright bad idea for two reasons. One, you're assuming that she will breastfeed. Second, you're telling her to cover up while she's at it. Also, remember that 2 per cent of women cannot physically lactate due to one or more medical conditions. Though there is an extremely small risk that the mom-to-be will fall into this category, you don't want end up inadvertently hurting her feelings.

Best new baby gifts 

There is an excellent choice in useful and aesthetic baby shower gifts that mums-to-be will love.
Baby comforter
A baby comforter is designed to settle babies and provide them comfort. They are most often used as a sleep association, telling babies that it is time to catch forty winks. They help babies resettle should they wake up in the middle of the night. Mums also use comforters at the time of sleep training their babies, usually at the six month mark.
Choose baby comforters made from soft and breathable fabric. They should ideally be machine washable, as you can expect a lot of dribble, drool and suck marks on the comforter's corners!
Height chart
A height chart is an excellent (and useful) addition to any child's room. Parents can keep track of their children's height, and as their children grow up, they can start measuring their own height, and proudly report it. A height chart also makes for a good keepsake that will remind recipients about you every time they use it. A Moa Grower Height Chart is a classic favorite that kids love; they all want to be as tall as a moa!

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